Flower Essence phone consult


I love making custom flower essences blends. Which can be made for adults children and even our pets!

There is such a wide range of different Australian flower essences all with their own unique healing qualities.

Join me for a 30 min phone consult to discuss which of the Australian flower essence can help you in your current situation.

I will then express ship your custom blend directly to you.

Bush Flower Essences to support you

  • Aaruka/Theta Healing

    Aaruka healing very similar to Theta healing can help with so many things! Often we aren’t even aware how much our past and particular events have impacted us negatively. Our energetic and physical bodies hold onto so much !! It’s time to let it go!

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  • Breathwork Healing

    Trauma .. is such a complex topic .. but after studying flower essences, and Spiritus Breathwork healing, one thing that’s for sure is we are all walking around holding onto trauma from the past that can be stored anywhere in our physical bodies

    Flower essences, Aaruka/Theta Healing and Spiritus Breathwork have the ability to help you heal from your past and release trapped stored emotions from the body

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